The Sun vs. Your Skin


It’s finally summer! Thank goodness! While you’re at the beach soaking up the sun or sitting poolside, remember that as much as you love the rays and a good tan, your skin does not so much. We all know that the sun and UV rays are damaging to our skin. Most of us though could care less because we’re young. Yeah, for the moment!

Beauty is fleeting and being young doesn’t last forever as well as that plump, firm, flawless face of yours. So if you have any chance at looking decent as far as your skin goes into your 40s, 50s and 60s. You better grab the sunblock!!! Now!

Get serious about your skin! Because good skin is in! Seriously, good skin is the movement. The damage that you do to you’re skin when your younger really catches up to you when you’re older. Overexposure to the sun causes damage and that damage though you don’t see it right now. Will catch up to you! Take care of the one and only skin you get.

 4 Easy Tips for maintaining Healthy Skin all Summer!

Wear your shades in the sun. All day, everyday. This not only protects your eyes from UV rays (which is important) but also keeps you from making that wrinkly furrowed brows face in the sun. In so doing prevents premature aging. Win!

Wear a hat!! The bigger the better! Hats help protect your face, neck and shoulders from the sun. You can even buy sun hats with SPF protection to help block the rays.  A floppy hat on the beach is a cute accessory anyway and lets face it, after a day on the beach we all need something to help control our nappy beach mane. So wearing a hat is multi-benifical. You look cute, you’re protecting your skin and your hiding that wild beach hair!

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Sunblocks are the biggest preventive to aging when it comes to the sun. It’s important to get both UVA and UVB protection from your sunblock. UVA being the aging rays and UVB being the burning rays. What most people don’t realize when it comes to wearing sunscreen is to truly protect the skin you must reapply! This is key. Most blocks recommend you to reapply every 80 minutes. Which is about every hour and a half. I know this sucks! I know!! I make it easy by using a SPF lotion to start the day on vacation and then switching to a spray when I get a little lazier throughout the day. Sunscreen. Just do it!

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Stay in the shade! Take an umbrella to the beach. They make UV blocking umbrellas with SPF protection built in as well. I got mine at a Wings beach store for only $20. You’re still on the beach, you’re still technically out in the sun enjoying the weather, you’re just protected under the shade of an umbrella and your skin loves you for it. Choose your skin, choose the shade.

While your living it up on the beach, soaking up the rays, having the best summer 2015 can produce just try to remember your skin. Remember to show a little love to your skin!

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