5 Tips to Winterize your Skin this Season



It’s that time of year! Dry, flaky skin from head to toe, cracked lips and the longing for the warmth of summer. Winter is here. Face it and get ready!

A big part of my skincare philosophy is that your skincare routine should change seasonally. The skin products that carry you through summer are not going to cut it through the dry Winter months. Rethink your routine. These simple tips will help give insight to what you might be lacking this season.


Change up your cleansers. Foamy cleansers are great in the heat of summer when your skin may tend to be on the oily side but as the skin dries out with the Winter season it needs richness! Switch to a milky or cream cleanser. This alone can change your world if you’re  parched, because it hydrates while cleansing.


To combat the woes of Winter an easy fix is to switch to a heavier moisturizing cream. Yes, even if you love the one you’ve used all summer. Your skin needs more, and if it’s dry all day long, it’s asking for more! This new heavier moisturizing cream will be your winter go to. When summer returns you may be ready to transition back to the lighter option you used before.

Keeping the skin hydrated is key. Not only to combat dryness but to prevent aging. Anti-aging is the war we are really fighting! Am I right?!


A facial serum that is oil based is the best way to boost your moisturizer and create extra hydration. For the skin types with normal to dry and desert-like dry skin facial oils can be like heaven in a jar.

The moisture that gets sucked out through environmental conditions or maturity can easily be replenished to glowing, vibrant younger looking skin through using an oil based hydrating serum to replenish. These serums help to mimic natural oils on the skin giving extra hydration and a youthful glow.


When dry, key word flaky skin starts plaguing and no moisturizer seems to help. Your first move should be to grab an exfoliant. Scrubbing through that flaky, dull, dead skin layer allows your products to penetrate deeper into the skin. Which in turn is allowing the skin to better absorb hydration and moisture. A total WIN when it comes to the battle against aging. Keep it hydrated!

While exfoliating with a scrub at home can be a good quick fix, my best exfoliant recommendation is getting Microdermabrasion facials in spa. This not only curbs ailing dry skin concerns but also offers multiple anti-aging benefits. Microdermabrasion is a deep exfoliating treatment that stimulates collagen, smooths fine lines, evens tone and will take dull, dry skin to a more youthful, smoother, glowing skin.


Winter weather not only takes havoc on the skin but also wrecks the lips. My remedy for maintaing smooth hydrated lips is to use a lip treatment (basically something more than a chapstick and more than a gloss) overnight on the lips. Using it at night allows for the product to penetrate and hydrate all night long without being smudged off by talking or eating. It has time to soak in and you wake with hydrated, luscious lips and ready to take on the world! If it were only that easy.


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 ***This is key: Know your skin. Many of these tips depend on your particular skin type. Know your skin and decipher what’s for you and what might be too much for your skin. For instance if your only a little bit dry at the end of the day maybe just a richer night cream and not all five tips. Still CLUELESS? Set up a skin consultation with me! I’d love to get more in depth with you personally on what could make your skin AWESOME!

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