Meet Christine

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog! I am a sweet, North Carolina raised adventurous, free spirit with a passion for life. I love to stay busy and never want to miss a minute of what this life has to offer. This blog is a just an exciting piece to the puzzle that is my life. I hope you’ll stick around for the journey.

In pursuit of a career, all i ever wanted was to find a job that I would be able to help other people in some way. Being an esthetician I feel like I do just that. I give my clients more than spa services but confidence and well being while correcting skin issues or working on bettering there appearance.

I am lucky enough to wear multiple hats being a Makeup Artist, Professional Skin Therapist, and as I like to call it Waxista (basically someone who does professional waxing on face and body in a time efficient, effortless, and seemingly painless as possible kind of way). Basically the beauty biz do it all.

Six plus years in this industry and I am constantly realizing how much it is ever changing. I plan to be apart of the evolution. This blog is about expanding my love for all things skin related and spreading my knowledge beyond the spa.

My goal is to educate, to be a voice in the ever confusing skincare world, to break through the misconceptions while giving expert and first hand advice.

The Good Skin Trend is about starting a movement, a revolution if you will, for having the best possible skin.

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