Get Your Winter Skin Fix: 5 Tips to Mend Dry Skin


Winter is here! Can you feel it? In North Carolina our winters are full of surprises. One week it may be in the high 60’s and the next we have more snow than we literally know what to do with. Get it together weather!! In late December, I got away with wearing a dress with bare legs. Crazy! It left like summer, what’s a girl to do. So whether you’re feeling warm and cozy by the fire or stuck in a below freezing blizzard, your skin is likely feeling the effects of this Dry Season.

Overall, I’ve been seeing a common trend with my clients skin this Winter season and its not a Good Skin Trend! Changing seasons and extreme weather fluctuations definitely have effects on the skin. It almost feels like Winter zaps your skin and sucks the life out!

Does your skin feel tight, dry, flaky, maybe peeling? Potentially red, irritated even? This is probably not your typical skin condition throughout the year and I bet it’s really effecting your look.

Good news! I’ve got you! Here are some winter skin tips that apply for eskimos and ski bunnies alike, and those of use wearing summer dresses in December.

1. ANALYZE             0001-145598014

First, evaluate your skin! Even better, have a professional do it! Have a licensed Esthetician help you through this process with a facial or skin consultation. Either way, look at your skin in depth. Get a feel of just how dry, flaky, and lack luster your skin is. This will help in knowing where to start in treating your skin.

It is important to realize that as the weather changes so does your skin. In summer the skin can be more oily, yet in winter it tends to be more on the dry side. Your summer skincare cannot carry you though winter. The skin needs more moisture to keep the dryness at bay and stay balanced and hydrated.


Dryness plus winter weather usually means a lack of hydration. Check your moisturizer. Stepping up you hydration can have a instant positive affect on your dry skin. I recommend transitioning into using a slightly heavier moisturizer or adding it just as night cream (especially if you have oily tendencies). My best advice is to know your skin. It may need a ton of moisture or just a little added hydration.


Redness and irritation is also a dehydrating side affect of Winter. If this is a symptom of you are having it could potentially be what your cleansing with. Your cleanser may be too harsh and causing extra dryness in turn making the skin red and inflamed. Simple fix! Switch to a creamy cleanser. This will help to not strip the oils away while cleansing and actually promote hydration. Win! Win!

***Winter tip for the extra dry!!! -Only cleanse at night. Skip cleansing in the morning if possible and just add more moisturizer. This also helps to not overly dry the skin out.

4. GIVE IT A BOOST 0001-146236066

Are you slathering on the moisturizer like it’s your job and yet it’s still not cutting it? Your moisturizer needs a boost. Kind of like a side kick! The product that adds the yin to your moisturizers yang could be an oil serum. This can greatly rebalance the skin while adding in extra moisture. This sounds crazy I know, but the skin needs oil and even more so when it’s dry. Especially to maintain its youthful glow!


Does your skin feel like a desert? Before you move off to Arizona just to fit in to the terrain that you skin seems to be associating with, simply try exfoliating. Your skin is screaming out for you to slough off that rough exterior “dead skin” layer. Trust me! Flaky, parched, lifeless skin that just won’t absorb moisture needs a good scrub! I recommend exfoliating at least 2 to 3 times a week. Make it easy by adding it to your shower routine. Following exfoliation, it’s always important to replenish hydration and moisturize your skin. This the full cycle of what the skin needs. Take the old away, hydrate the new and look at the new, fresh faced you!!0001-146551137
***EXTRA TIP: Hydrating masks are awesome! Especially to maintain in between professional treatments. USE: 1 to 2 times weekly is ideal! **Look for a mask that is ultra rich and creamy. This consistency combo will leave the skin silky smooth. ** Personally I love a mask while taking a relaxing bath, the steam helps keep your pores open and feels oh so amazing!

Message me below with any questions about your skin or feel free to reach out for a personal skin analysis! I would love to help!

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