New Year, New You!




With the new year comes a season of change. Where many are looking for a fresh start, a new beginning, or maybe starting the year off with a list of unyielding resolutions and high expectations. Which I think is great!! In theory.

I believe it is easier to make the choice to simply be a better you in the new year. Deciding to make changes when a change needs to be made and to be open to new possibilities with a positive mindset.

Further I believe the new year is a good time to set new routines and get back to a better regime. Skincare is a great place to start! Forget about the closet you’ve been meaning to clean out and focus on what everyone can actually see. Your skin! Although, let’s not completely forget about the clutter in the closet.

Here are some tips for having a healthy, younger and fresh faced 2016!

Drink more water!  A healthy skin is a hydrated skin. Drinking water is good as an overall health practice. Don’t expect miracle results from this alone. Our bodies are constantly losing water and our skin is in constant need of rehydration to avoid dehydration which eventually contributes to aging. Products to keep in mind when it comes to keeping a hydrated skin are ones containing hyaluronic acid. This super ingredient holds 1,000 times its own weight in water, thus attracting water and holding it there. Which is awesome!

Cleanse your skin day and night!  Yes! Day and night! Your pores will love you more for it. It takes 21 days to form a habit and once you do you’ll be hooked. You can see the health benefit of doing it on a regular basis. I have one exception to this though and it’s winter. Winter skin is different and needs to be handled so. If your skin gets really dry in the winter or year round you may want to cleanse only at night getting off makeup and the gunk of the day. Then, in the morning just splash water or apply more moisturizer so your not striping the skin of those necessary oils (this is you if you have that dry tight feeling after cleansing).

Mandatory – Use an eye cream!  Day and night! Yes, day and night. Every night! Every single one. Im serious. The skin around your eye is so very delicate and you must treat it as such. It will not always be tight and firm and youthful. The less you appreciate it the more it shall age. The eye area is typically the first area to start seeing signs of aging and the hardest to correct because of its delicate nature. Hydration is vital. Further apply a small amount to the tip of your ring finger then tap the cream around the orbital bone area. DO NOT RUB!!! Just tap.

SPF! SPF! SPF! Many of my clients when asked “Do you wear sunscreen daily?” will proclaim “Oh I don’t go outside.” I then think to myself, how did you get to the spa? Truly many of us think the same way. That we simply don’t ever outside. Not true. We get in our cars and drive all over town and back and forth to work. The sun sees you and I see you! The majority of dark pigmentation that freckles the faces of my clients is predominately on the left side of there faces. Just the side the window happens to be on. Hmm. Adding sunscreen whether in your makeup or moisturizer is vital to anti-aging.

Don’t sleep in your makeup. It adds to aging in many ways and it is clogging to the pores. Force yourself into the routine of cleansing at night or at least get makeup wipes and leave them by the nightstand.

Exfoliate. Throw your exfoliant in the shower if you’re lazy. That helps make it easy and you’ll use it more. Exfoliating boosts the cell turnover which in turn improves overall skin health and anti-aging and acne!

Don’t forget the neck!!  We slather product after product on our faces yet constantly forget what’s right beneath. Your neck! Apply your moisturizer, cleanse and when in the shower exfoliate there as well. Make sure to apply product in upward strokes to prevent the gradual downturn of loss of elasticity. Upward strokes will help that area stay lifted. I promise it all helps!

Try sleeping on your back.  I know this sounds kind of silly but sleeping on your stomach or side verses sleeping on your back can really cause aging lines on the face. Further, if you gravitate to one side you can really see vertical aging lines more predominately on one side. Try sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees. It helps to align your spine and is more comfortable in trying to sleep on the back. You may not always stay on your back during sleep but your working at preventing aging. Every little thing helps.

Now that the new year has come try adding a few things to your regime that hopefully not only will improve your life but keep your skin youthful as well!!
